Our Gardens

I made it a priority to work on the gardens during a week where the temperatures were not too bad. Sunny but low twenties temperature. We have our three garden beds, all are 4' x 4' with rail tie borders. The first bed has rhubarb growing in it and it gets larger every year. We picked the initial growth, washed and froze it. I still need to clean the weeds out of it and top up with fresh top soil.

The second and third beds are for our tomatoes mainly. This year we also planted beets into the third bed. Around the side that gets more afternoon evening shade, I made two new garden beds on either side of the greenhouse that we moved to there. We had the greenhouse up on deck since last year but found it takes up too much valuable deck space. After moving it, we also found that the temperature is more moderate on the ground and does not reach scorching temperatures as it did up on deck.

The picture chart flipper below goes through the majority of our back garden.
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One large Rhubarb plant that keeps growing larger each year.
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Four Grape Tomato plants all started from seed. Under the round cage are some new sprouts of Shiso. The cage protects them from our various backyard visitors.
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A bit tricky to see with all of the protective cages but we have the following: Kumato Tomato (I think), Heirloom Tomato, San Marzano Tomato, 6 Beets and an Onion.
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On the top shelf we have four Sweet Pepper plants, Purple Basil and Citronella plant (from last year). Lower shelf we have Strawberries and Ginger (yet to start).
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In pots on the ground are two Bell Pepper plants.
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Here's our Jalapeño Pepper plant.
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In a large planter beside the second garden bed we our Purple Cauliflower.
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Up on the deck we have several Pansies and three Japanese Cucumbers.
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Also up on deck from right to left: Attreano Fig, Black Mission Fig, Meyer Lemon, Blueberry and Yuzu trees.
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Up in deck rail planters from left to right: Lemon Basil, Chives, Parsley and Dill.
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Also in a deck rail planter from left to right: Rosemary, Basil and Thyme.

Not pictured, because they are in several pots spread around the back yard are three pots containing Spearmint and one pot containing Peppermint. The Spearmint pots get buried in the garden over winter. Last year I brought the Peppermint inside and kept it growing as it was young. Not sure what I will do yet this year.
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From Left to Right: Citronella plant in wooden planter, Peppermint, two Bougainvillea, Lavender, and Angel Pelargonium which is like a flowering Citronella.

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