Stacked parking

Thought this was interesting. The condo complex where my cousin lives has stacked parking with limited space, gotta go vertical.

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3 thoughts on “Stacked parking

  1. Oh neat! This is what they do in downtown Manhattan as well! Hope you guys are having a great time 🙂

  2. I’m living vicariously through your wonderful blog. Those Maxim’s desserts had me salivating. They are little works of art!

    The stacked parking concept is brilliant. I found the yielding to the ‘opposite side’ to be the same in Australia. Trying to cross the street was hazardous for me, as I was always checking to the right, not left.

    All the walking that the Japanese do, definitely would be tied in to their known longevity. Imagine how fit they must be. Now I understand those whirlwind tours they take. I’d be flat on my face at the end of the first day 😉

    Keep the photos coming, find a good pace, and keep having fun.

    Love you two!

  3. Amber and I have responded to the ‘stacked parking’ post, but cannot see our replies. Will wait to see if they show up and if my response to ‘Sick’ will also show up.

    Meanwhile .. coddle yourself, Mark. I’m sure Deniz is taking good care of you. Stay healthy, Deniz!

    Love, Aunt Lil

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